
Tray-Express: Satisloh’s Modular Automation Solution





The phrase “lab automation” is used a lot in the optical industry and can sound pretty intimidating. Is it an all-or-nothing proposition? Does an entire lab need to be automated all at once?

Satisloh, long-partnered with NCC Automated Systems, is touting their new Tray-Express as a modular solution for lab automation. Pre-assembled and pre-engineered modules offer an easy solution for labs to automate either a single process or expand their current automation system.

Because Tray-Express is a plug-and-play system, it is a good fit for quick production start-up and easy expansion when production increases. The system automatically routes job trays to the next available process station and processed job trays are discharged from the loop on a separate track.

It has a smaller footprint than commonly known looped systems and low power consumption.

In addition, Satisloh offers a broad range of automation equipment and turnkey solutions – including customization.

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